Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 12, 2015

So, I shouldn’t buy binary options?

This is a more complicated question. In fact, there are a lot of advantages to fixed-odds trading compared to both traditional investment and other forms of gambling.
Firstly, binary options come with a controlled risk: you will only ever lose the price of the contract. Traditional options, by contrast, do not have defined boundaries of risk and reward, meaning that potential gains (and losses) are unlimited . Buying binary options is also far simpler than other forms of trading. No assets are actually being bought or sold, meaning that the selling of shares and stop losses do not factor into the process.
Also, binary options can be optimised using the same fundamental and technical analysis strategies that aid in price movement prediction in traditional financial trading. There are definitely some markets that offer better odds than others (for instance, you should stay well-clear of high yield options and trading run bets).

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Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 12, 2015

Binary Options Strategy

Binary Options Strategy

Following a strategy when trading digital options may significantly increase your chances to be profitable. However, you should stay realistic and be aware than you can never be certain of success.

Are binary options strategies infallible?

There is no perfect strategy in trading, no matter what any so called "Guru" or signal provider will tell you. All strategies have some flaws and weak points, and there is no such thing as a perfect mathematical model to achieve profits on the financial markets. When deciding to use a strategy you must be aware all the time that even the best strategy is no guarantee for success. However, this should not discourage you, because certain strategies can be very profitable most of the times. You only have to keep in mind that luck is a very important factor in trading, just as it is in life in general.

What type of binary options strategies exist?

Generally speaking, there are two main categories of strategies when it comes to binary trading:

Type 1: Strategies based on betting models - Those strategies presume that using specific patterns in terms of investment amounts and the right timing can generate profit no matter if the trader is skilled or not at market prediction. Those strategies presume that in certain situations you can design your option buying strategy to give you a high probability of winning. In this category you will find betting pattern strategies like The Grinding Strategy or strategies based on trading the news.

Type 2: Strategies on how to predict the direction of the market better - In this case the strategies are based on simple technical and statistical evidence that in some circumstances the market has greater chances to move in one direction over another. While technical analysis can be pretty complicated, there are much simpler ways of interpreting the charts, especially when it comes to binary trading.

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Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 12, 2015

How do I choose a binary options trading platform?

For anyone who is new to the world of Binary Options trading then below is your 10 step guide  that will enlighten you on all there may be to know about positioning Binary Options trades at any one our featured Brokers.

We are more than confident that once you read through the following guide you can be then able to place a substantial and very varied variety of Binary Options trades online either by using a no risk demo trading account or as being a real money trader


Binary Options - Set and CallWhat Trades to position The first decision you have to make when you are of placing any good Binary Options trade is what asset, commodity or stock exchange you want to place your trades in.

Once you have made an informed decision on just which kind of asset, commodity or stock exchange you are looking at placing your trade or trades on you simply must decide just which way you believe the value of of which trade will move.

If you think including the value of let’s state oil will fall in value then you simply must place a Put option, however if you believe that the value of oil increase in value then you simply must place a Call option.

Each Broker we've chosen to showcase within this website is fully certified and regulated, and everybody offer a very broad range of tradable assets and many of them are also additionally supplying new traders a welcome bonus offer that will massively increase the value of this initial deposit.

Each Broker will also have numerous different account types, and it is important that you choose to open an account that gives you access to the maximum benefits and extras based on the level and volume regarding trades you place.

Ideally consider opening up accounts at much of our featured Brokers, for it will have many benefits of doing so as you will find out in step some.


Binary Options Expiry TimeChoosing a good Expiry Time One you've selected the type of asset you want to base your Binary Options trades around and also have selected a Broker from which to place your trading at, then you next must decide an expiry time on your trades.

You will find you could place trades which last for 60 seconds or can place a lot longer term trades which will expire in one month. It is important which you select the expiry time you should prefer as there are various different events that could affect the worthiness of any financial assets which you place your trades upon.


Understanding Potential Gains While you are considering making a purchase of an large ticket price item, you will always shop around to ensure you get the best deal probable.

This is something that you simply consider doing when a Binary Options trader, as the financial gains you can create out of every single trade you need to do decide to place can and quite often will vary from Dealer to Broker.

So your next action should be to examine what the potential gains will likely be on your chosen trades at a lot of our featured Binary Alternatives Brokers, as by comparing them you will be able to select a Broker promoting the maximum returns on your own investment.


Trending Options Whilst you will possess made something of a concerted effort when selecting just which trades are likely to result in a financial gain, you should always make use of all tools at your disposal to guarantee the trades you are considering placing can lead to a gain.

Whilst many Brokers provide you with the latest financial news stories which can be found scrolling on his or her news feeds, some traders also assist you to see which trades are popular with other dealers.

As such be hunting for Brokers which offer a certain amount of Trending Options feature, as by making use of the tool you are able to easily spot which trades are attracting the highest quantities of prints of trades from other actual money traders.


Binary Options - Raise budget Increasing Your Trading Spending budget Competition between Binary Options Brokers is obviously something you should always remember as a trader, for you will frequently find you can make use of a range of promotional offers that will help you increase the value of this trading budget.

Welcome sign up bonuses are obviously very attractive to traders however do look for loyalty based offers that many Brokers will offer you. Those loyalty bonuses and promotions can incorporate deposit match bonuses and even risk free trades.

So always double determine if you qualify for virtually every additional trading bonuses as they will help you lock in additional value and are certainly worth investigating when you simply place your chosen trades with your own personal funds.


Instantly Placing Trades That you are never going to know beforehand when a potentially rewarding trading opportunity will all of a sudden become available, and that is one thing you do need to make note of.

As such you are usually best advised to get access to both an online trading account plus a mobile trading account with each Broker you join. By having access with a mobile trading account you might of course manage to place your trades anytime and from anywhere.


Binary Options - Hedging Trades Hedging Your Trades Many traders will investigate the possibility of hedging virtually any live and active trades they've open or they may place numerous trades on which both sides from the trades are covered within two completely separate trading.

One way of doing this would be to open up accounts with different brokers and make use of their high valued welcome sign up bonuses, and then using those bonus funds to pay for each side of a trade.


Roll Forward Feature You can find another feature has did start to become available at a lot of Binary Options Brokers and this is something known as being a Roll Forward feature. This type of additional trading opportunity will only become on hand when you have a live trade placed.

A Roll Forward option can be a way of extending this expiry time on any live trades you've got placed, and when you take this choice the expiry time will then be extended to the next available one.


Binary Options - Beginning Exit Early Exit Whilst many traders is often more than prepared to wait before the expiry time has also been achieved on all trades they've placed, if you start seeing any potential events that may see the value of this chosen trades swing within the opposite direction that you've chosen, whilst you trades are in line for a payout, then consider taking an early exit.

Many Brokers will offer you an early exit option, and whilst you must pay a fee to absolve your trades before they are due to expire, in that way you will have no less than locked in a trading make money from those trades.

However, only ever consider acquiring an early exit in case you are convinced any potential gains you might make once you trade naturally expires definitely will become losing trades due to current events that you will find suddenly become aware regarding.

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Is it Possible to Make Money in Binary Options Trading?

A lot of interested traders are asking themselves the question if you can really make money with binary options? Obviously this is a perfectly legitimate question considering that most people have not traded binary options in the past and generally believe that investing is a very difficult activity.

The answer is that you can indeed make money in binary options trading. However, you will have to put an effort into it. As explained above, you will have to learn money management, reading of charts as well as the usage of indicators.

Naturally, you will have to put an effort into it if you want to make sure you’ll be able to generate money consistently. If you treat it like gambling then obviously the end result will also be like gambling and you will end up losing money instead of winning.

However, if you follow simple online trading strategy, like the ones that I have listed above, then you will have the potential chance to generate profits consistently. Also, the more you trade, the easier it gets later on. After a few months, trading financial assets will come natural to you, allowing you to make money consistently.

How does it work?

In binary options you will have the possibility to predict the movement of various assets such as stocks, currency pairs, commodities and indices. Making a prediction is possible after purchasing an option.

An option has only two outcomes (hence the name “binary” options). This is because the value of an asset can only go up or down during a given time frame. Your task will be to predict if the value of an asset with either go up or down during a certain amount of time.

In order to purchase an option, you will have to invest a certain amount of money. Usually, you can invest as low as $5-$10 and a high as several hundred. If by the time of the option’s expiration your prediction will have come true, you will receive your investment back plus a commission that will be the profits you made.

If your prediction will be false, then you will lose the invested money. Binary options trading is not gambling because if you pay attention to what’s happening in the business world you may be able to make accurate predictions. In gambling however, you will not be able to predict on what color the roulette ball will land, no matter what.

The simplest way to make money in binary options is by trading on news events. Below you will find an example of such cases:

Long-term trades.

Usually around September and October each year Apple is known to release a new iPhone and several additional products. Your task will be to check out when this will happen (usually, these events are announced months ahead).
Add the date to your calendar and around 1-2 days before the event buy a binary option that predicts that the stock value of Apple will go up during the next 2-3 days. You can be fairly sure that your prediction will be correct, as Apple’s stocks usually increase after a new product launch. And boom, this is it; you just made money with binary trading.
As you know, there are hundreds of large companies, such as Google, Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft, etc. Just check out when these companies are about to launch a new product and mark it in your calendar. You will usually find 1-2 such major events during every week of the year.
With this strategy you can expect to win around 70% to 80% of the time but it requires a lot of preparations like following news events. It’s can potentially be easy money through, so it should be the first strategy you use to make money in binary options trading.

Short-term trades

After you become a little more experienced you can move on to short-term trading. As you have noticed, trading on news events involves long-term trades such as several days or weeks. A more advanced way is using short-term trades that expire within just a few minutes or seconds.
Here, you will not be able to use news events, as things happen too fast for news to have any influence on asset prices. Instead, you are expected to read the charts of various assets and look for trends.
Trends are predefined patterns in the short-term movement of assets. This means that if you catch a pattern in its early development, you can predict what happens next (as patterns usually behave in the same fashion).
These are a bit more complicated strategies but they are great because they allow you to make money in binary options on a daily basis as they involve short-term trades, therefore don’t have to wait for major news events (like product releases).
The best is always to use a combination of both strategies if you want to make money consistently using binary options. If you are a beginner, you should first start with the long-term strategy I described above (the one with Apple as example) because it’s very easy and there you will have realistic winning chances even as a complete newcomer. Then later diversify to short-term.

Is it legitimate? Is it legal?

Reputable financial service providers and investment firms first introduced binary trading in the United States. After this, multiple countries decided to adopt this practice and make it a legal form of financial trading and investing.
At this moment binary trading is officially regulated in a large number of countries on the planet including the United States, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Japan, South Africa and more.
In order for financial service providers to be able to offer binary trading services, they will have to pass an independent evaluation by various government agencies. Only those online trading companies that offer legitimate services will be awarded with a financial service provider license.
Also, trading financial assets online by private people is at this moment legal in all countries on the planet. This is also valid in countries where binary options is at this moment not yet regulated. – To our knowledge binary trading isn’t illegal in any countries at this moment.

Do I Have to be an Expert to Make Money in Binary Options?

A common misconception is that you will have to be a financial and business expert in order to successfully trade binary options. However, this is not true at all. Perhaps it’s true when it comes to traditional stocks trading but definitely not true in the case of binaries.
You don’t have to be an expert to predict the movement of certain assets. Just think of the example I gave you above with Apple and long-term trades about on how to make money in binary options. Just based on that example you already learned one of the simplest ways to successfully trade binaries. There were no complicated tools or economic theories involved.
To add on the strategy mentioned above, another example is knowing when the US Federal Reserve is printing money.
You can find this info in the news. In such cases, the value of the USD almost always depreciates. So, in cases like this you can place very accurate investments on the outcome that the conversion rate between the USD and other currencies will increase.
And now you already know two very easy methods that you can use every single time you trade. So, as you can see, you can definitely make money by trading binary options if you do it properly and don’t just make random predictions.
You can implement these strategies at binary options brokers. The idea is to always choose legit and reputable brokers such as 24Option and Stockpair to avoid being scammed. USA traders can choose CTOption.You can also use various tools such as signals to help predict the movement of assets. The best tool of this kind at this moment is Signals365.

Learn more and become a winner

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What is best stock trading method?

Here is a brief overview of some common day trading strategies:


Scalping is one of the most popular strategies, which involves selling almost immediately after a trade becomes profitable. Here the price target is obviously just after profitability is attained.

Fading involves shorting stocks after rapid moves upwards. This is based on the assumption that (1) they are overbought, (2) early buyers are ready to begin taking profits and (3) existing buyers may be scared out. Although risky, this strategy can be extremely rewarding. Here the price target is when buyers begin stepping in again.

Daily Pivots
This strategy involves profiting from a stock\'s daily volatility. This is done by attempting to buy at the low of the day (LOD) and sell at the high of the day (HOD). Here the price target is simply at the next sign of a reversal, using the same patterns as above.

This strategy usually involves trading on news releases or finding strong trending moves supported by high volume. One type of momentum trader will buy on news releases and ride a trend until it exhibits signs of reversal. The other type will fade the price surge. Here the price target is when volume begins to decrease and bearish candles start appearing.